Nike T90 Laser III – Reviews by Alfonso

A few months back we featured a new segment where we got the thoughts and reviews of current Rochester Rhino midfielder Alfonso Motagalvan. The idea of the segments is to give a completely unbiased review from a player who plays at a professional level in US soccer. The USL season just finished a few weeks backs, with the Rhino’s winning the regular season title.

Before the season ended, we sent Alfonso a pair of Nike T90 Laser III’s to test out and review. Here are his thoughts and honest feedback on the soccer cleats.

Breaking In
Let me start by saying that I have never been a player that wears synthetic shoes, I much prefer leather. But when I was asked to test the T90 boot I wasn’t opposed and I thought I would give them a try. Unlike other nike Boots like the CTR360, these boots took about a week to break in. For players like me that choose comfort over style this time-frame is a bit too long – especially when you are training everyday. The main reason they are tougher to break-in is that they are not leather. On a side note. dont expect them to stretch to much.

Nike Total90 Laser III

Sizing and Fit
The sizing on this boot is quite accurate, but again they don’t really stretch much. My advice is to make sure you get the exact size or a size bigger in order to make this boot work for you.

Design and Technology
I am not a big fan of the plastic/rubber on the side of the boot as I feel like the boot doesn’t give you the natural touch you need. Also, I found that when the field is wet the ball seems to get stuck to the boot making it difficult to dribble or pass the ball at times. I am not a flashy player so looks are not at the top of my list. Most people wear these boots for accuracy but the plastic or rubber just bothers me as it doesn’t aid me while playing a sharp ball on to someones feet or put them in behind the defense.

If I had to choose a boot this one would not be one of them, the only good thing about this boot is its durability and the fact that it keeps water out during rainy days. The soles of this boot also made my feet hurt and gave my big toes blisters. If i would have to rate them i would give them 3 out 5 stars…

Here is where you check out the SC101 review of the Nike T90 Laser III.

Nike Total90 Laser III

About Bryan Byrne

The mastermind behind the revolution that is SoccerCleats101. Bryan started this website back in 2008 and has been testing boots on a daily basis ever since. Check out our About Page for more details on Bryan and the website.

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