I just spotted these on soccer.com while looking for a new pair of sneakers. Basically, I want a pair of the national team Samba’s and have set my sights on the German version. The black primary color with gold adidas stripes looks really sharp, and the German soccer badge on the back heel area adds a very classic look. Since Adidas are actually a German company, there is even more heritage behind this release. To be honest, I am not a huge fan of German soccer, but they have been playing well and there is a chance they could win the World Cup.
But to initiate the $100 free shipping at soccer.com, I am going to share the love and also buy someone else a pair if Germany end up winning the World Cup! Thats right, if the Germans can pull off a win against Argentina, maybe Spain in the Semi’s and possibly Brazil in the Final, I will be treating one lucky winner to a pair in their chosen size. Just leave a comment below letting me know if you think the Germans will win the World Cup and your name is entered. Obviously, Germany could lose versus Spain and if that happens I will have to go back to the drawing board….but if not you are going to want to have your name in the running!
Check them out at soccer.com
Same rules as always, one entry per person and the competition can only be won by a US residents. I will leave comments open until a few days before the World Cup final (if Germany get that far!)