How About a Pair of Boots You Can Win!?!

Mizuno Wave Ignite

Not to pick on Adidas, SoccerBible or Footy-Boots, but could this and this be one of the worst “competitions” ever? Let me know if someone finds them.

After seeing this, it gave me inspiration for another SC101 giveaway – a giveaway where you get to keep the boots rather than hand them back to the professional player. Up for grabs are a pair of cleats I have been hiding away for a special occasion, the Mizuno Wave Ignite! And what better than time than the first giveaway of 2011. I tested these boots a few months back with very positive results. They are in a size 9US, if you are not a size 9 still enter as these boots are extremely tough to find in the US and I am sure they would be a welcome gift for a friend or family member!

To enter, all you have to do is answer one simple question via comment below:

Where about in Los Angeles did I hide the Mizuno Wave Ignite?

That’s right, I stole them from myself and hid them in LA! The answer I deem to be funniest wins, so humor me – but please keep it clean!

Competition runs through the weekend and I will announce the winner on Monday morning (Jan 10th). Open to US residents only.

About Bryan Byrne

The mastermind behind the revolution that is SoccerCleats101. Bryan started this website back in 2008 and has been testing boots on a daily basis ever since. Check out our About Page for more details on Bryan and the website.

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  1. Pasadena ?

  2. um i dont really get it…….. help?

  3. They're hidden in Vapor fan's empty wallets…

  4. Hhhmmm…they look like they would blend into a beehive

  5. After a long night at the Montalban theater and visit to dillion's , you got home and saw the shoes laying around you saw the bright color and found a pirma box and put them inside because you were 100% sure no other brand chooses this type of color.

  6. At Hama Sushi restaurant, the Japanese restaurant right near the water! Mizu=Water and no=possessive, so Mizuno means "of water"! The Japanese cleats of water hidden in the Japanese restaurant near the water! They must be there!

    Great competition btw, there should be more creative competitions like this one around!

  7. A retro, asian Predator Precision

  8. Under the bed. That's where I lose all my stuff!

  9. hehehehe hahahaha laugh laugh laugh 🙂 mizuno is in the hollywood sign so nobody ever finds the golden cleats that brian happyly hid 🙂

  10. Nicky Nicky Nick

    In an Angelyne billboard…

  11. somewhere in the LAPD. The most dangerous place may be the most unexpected and safest. Everyone would be clueless!

  12. somewhere far in the LA galaxy!

  13. while u had dinner at the Nagame shushi restuart u gave it to a hobo with the golden voice because u were dazzeled by his voice .5 miles away u just remembered have just given a pair of cleats to a hobo…so now u want to let us do all the work finding it.

  14. At the park stuck to a piece of gum under a picnic table?

  15. In the smog?

  16. I found them in my closet at my dorm room of course! You know us college students, don't have much extra money for cleats so it was very convenient to find a new pair at my place!

  17. As the soccer gods saw a star player named Brian they sent him some ancient golden rare cleats. They put him to the test and saw that they were meant for his skills. So he got them but everyone got jealous of those undestructable cleats. He decided to put them away or it would cause the unwNted WW3.!! So he left at midnight into the moonlight to Chinatown. He went to the golden dragon hidden from us others. He proceeded to put them in the golden dragons mouth and it shut. They are now forever hidden somewhere in Chinatown and up to us to find it. If we do then we shall be punished because the gods sent it to a pro player and only mean meant for him. Hope u likedxD


  18. the Los Angeles clippers empty trophy case

  19. you couldn't possibly have hidden them. i mean, look at the color! they'd stick out like a sore thumb anywhere!

  20. you had an argument with yourself, stole the shoes, argued with yourself to give them back, drove to east la and tossed them up on some telephone wires and then laughed at yourself hahah

  21. You gave em to David Beckham as a parting gift before he goes on loanin england in search of his quest for international play again, and to piss adidas off and force them to make higher quality shoes like the mizuno ignitus 🙂

  22. you hid them at LAX so you could fly to London and then tell them how ridiculous their competition they made up was and you one upped it by letting us keep the boots….

  23. seriously, go back to the sushi bar and get them. They are NOT puffer fish!

  24. This is a hard one since I've never been to LA.

    I say you hid them in an exhibit at the MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) where the boots unique features and design, as well as eye catching color, made them blend in perfectly with pieces from the likes of Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock.

  25. you were on your way to miami in LAX and they found the boots in your pants and they decided to confiscate them. so its with the customs.

  26. You are still wearing the boots and hid yourself; it's really a test to see how long you can last on the spin cycle at the laundromat labeled "G" whe you google "laundromat Los Angeles"

  27. Adan Apolo Juarez hid the soccer shoes in the same closet R. Kelly is hiding in at this very moment in a los angeles hotel room. R kelly will never let anyone come in that closet or you'll end up seriously injured.

  28. You hid them in a box.

  29. They are probably being used to direct airplanes at LAX International by some ground crewman who misplaced his glowing rods of justice

  30. – that took me 30 min to come up with so i better get something 🙂

  31. It was with WALLY…..where is wally???

  32. You hid them in every soccer shop in the United States, because I can't find them anywhere.

  33. Hey Bryan Maybe you accidentally left them In the locker of Jermain Defoe. This definitely something that Mizuno put you up to. 🙂 Adidas boots were stolen by Mizuno and to get the England international to wear them they sent you to put the boots in his locker. This is what could have happened. Also because they stole the boots from Defoe they are going to be after Messi next. So they sent you another pair and then you went to Barca and put a pair of those boots in his locker. Now for the big Twist. Mizuno is doing this because it is not them that wants it done. Mizuno was put up to this by Nike to try to stop the sales of Adidas. You may ask "why wouldn't Nike replace them with a pair of their boots?" Well the answer is Nike were embarrassed and did not like leaving a pair Leopard print boots. Ok but then here is the best twist of all. It really wasn't Nike that wanted to do all of this. It was Puma who had Mizuno, Nike, and you Bryan Hide the boots in Jermain Defoe's locker. Here is the simple reason. Puma was a little ticked off that Adidas took the lightest boot in the world title once again so they teamed up with the other companies to get back at Adidas. Again you may ask why doesn't Puma Replace the boots with some pairs of theirs. The answer is that "we don't want to give the guy a boot that runs a full size small!" So the truth of the Matter is Puma put Nike up to it, then Nike put Mizuno up to it, then Mizuno put you up to it Bryan!. I mean who would suspect some guy who just happens to have a Soccer equipment review site!

  34. David Beckham's kids think they are a chew toy. So sitting in Beck's house being fought over my the kids. Beck's dosent realize cuz he is obsessed with PREDS

  35. being marinated under lady Gaga's meat dress at her home in LA 🙂

  36. In Martin Scorcese's Cuban cigar box underneath his copy of the original screenplay of scarface

  37. Where else would an Irishman lose something? He left them at the PUB! The left shoe is on the tap for Asahi and the other for Bryan's favorite, HARP!

  38. It's in an Adidas box with a Nike vapor string bag and is taped to the underside a bed with duct tape in a hotel room on the sixth floor of the hotel.

  39. I'd much rather win the Mizuno's!

    Bryanm I don't get what this story has to do with . They are not featuring this poor competition.

  40. at the storage of a soccer store!

  41. In an effort to get noticed amid the abundance of top class wingers at Tottenham David Beckham opted to wear brighter cleats than all the rest. He decided not to get those green and red predators because everyone agrees they are atrocious.

  42. You hid them in Beckham's LA Galaxy locker where no one will find them for two months…

  43. you hid the cleats in the Hide Apartements!

  44. Alright everyone I have figured Bryan out!! He is secretly part of an organization of international spies sent out by Ireland to spread the word of the big 3!! He saw these so he called his region leader and told him, to which he was told to 'dig a whole like a dog and chuck the box in there, then cover it back up'

    He decided this was odd, and that he should hide them with… THE IRISH MAFIA OF LOS ANGELES!!

    When he got to a secret meeting location, a rather short man wearing all green and with messed up hair said 'u got the package? Hand it over'!

    He gave the mizuno's to him, but they secretly had a tracking device on them.

    The next few weeks he stayed put in his home, waiting for this very day to steal them and give them away to the other Irish spies (all his fans) so they can hide them away.

  45. They are hidden with Mr. Miagi(Karate Kid) and you have to clean all his cleats, It is all part of his training.

  46. My husband is a huge soccer fan and I am shopping for new soccer cleats for him for Valentine's Day. I came across your competition. I didn't know what Mizuno Wave Ignite is, so I googled it and found it. They are on the Internet on your computer in LA!

    I know my husband would love these new cleats as he has duct tape holding together his Adidas 7406 cleats!

    (Side note, when I googled Mizuno Wave Ignite, it stated they are football cleats so I thought I had the wrong sport. Then I remembered soccer is futbol/football.) Funny right?:)

  47. You obviously flushed them down your toilet, then they were picked up by a some that worked at a sewage processing plant who was walking down the street and drop them on the street and was too lazy to pick them up. then using their special Mizuno power were carried to behind the HOLLYWOOD sign and eventually left… So i think they are hidden in you microwave…

  48. You hid the boots away in a hipster club.

  49. The boots are hidden in Dodger Stadium, after kicking the ball around there, one of the groundsmen found it.

  50. Maybe that boot theif from the Adidas add broke into your home and got those too.

  51. I thought the boots were size 9.5?

  52. You hid them with David Beckham's gear, looks like they are on the way to Tottenham.

  53. They're hidden inside a Mickey Mouse costume at Disneyland.

  54. Since no one watches the WNBA, you hid them where no one would ever think to look: the LA Sparks basketball stadium.

  55. You hid them inside of a keg of Guiness…knowing that people from LA only Drink Apple-tini's. Eventually you would have to drink the keg of Guiness and that is chore only a true Irishman could accomplish…the perfect crime.

  56. You had to have hid them in the ocean to see if the mizuno wave ignites could actually start a tsunami!! 🙂

  57. Brian hid them where no one would look…. on his feet!

  58. The center of Chinatown, where the bright yellow camouflages perfectly with the yellow popula-shuuuuhhh… bananas.

  59. They were hidden in the messy room of a teenager under the pile of washed clothes next to the three day old pizza in the desk

  60. On my feet!!!

  61. you were really hyped about the name and decided when not ignite my self

    so u swallowed them !!!!!!!!


    jk u hid them underground so they would not ignite and create a wave of mizuno

  62. You probably hid them in landycakes locker, too bad he didn't find them maybe he would of been able to put the ball in the net

  63. or u probably hid them in a Nike outlet, cause its not like people actually go into those stores!

  64. Bryan is a complete Red Hot Chili Peppers fanatic (hypothetically), Bryan flew his "Aeroplane" "Around the World", "Behind the Sun", through "Hollywood", stopped in a "Coffee Shop" to drink a "Storm in a Teacup", the proceeded to tell me, "This is the Place", somewhere "Under the Bridge", "Out in L.A.". Now Bryan is going to "Give it Away".

  65. In the back of the griswald's car while they stopped at wally world

  66. Rumor has it Bryan hid them in Coby Jones' dreads.

  67. in the 3rd dream level of leonardo dicaprio

  68. With Anne Frank.

  69. under the mattres…right next to mr. krabs money

  70. in plain sight, just like henry's handball

  71. This is so simple guys. The answer is right in front of us and Bryan gave us all the clues we need. "I stole them from myself and hid them in LA"? They are way too dangerous to just "stow it away" so he must have handled it with great care. So I'm guessing it's in the Jet Propulsion Lab and the NASA scientists are trying to figure out the physics behind the Wave Ignite and the Mukaiten panel. I still can't figure out how to make it work by the way… 🙁

    Oh and that's a pretty good answer viva but not as clever as mine!

  72. In the cookie monster's belly button, right next to Chuck Norris' nun-chucks.

  73. Bryan hid it alongside the City of Angels soundtrack he's giving away as well.

  74. Cindarella wore them to the ball at Disneyland!!

  75. Bend over and ill show you. (Christmas Vacation reference, hope it wasnt to dirty)

  76. While in the Doxa Italia locker room…you hid them the left boot in David Adams' locker and the right boot in the locker of Trevor Persson (worst player ever;]).

    sincerely Garrett:)

  77. In your closet

  78. Bryan is a smart fellow so he hid them where no one would ever look.

    He's wearing them underneath another pair of Mizuno Wave Ignite!

  79. Under Landon Donovan's bed.

  80. So I got a plane ticket

    And I flew to LA

    Started looking for those boots

    I do things the hard way

    I found the Adidas thief

    And a couple of adizero

    They asked me to return them

    But I am not their hero

    Why would you give them back?

    So some pro would like me

    I responded very quickly

    "Not bloody likely"

    I was sadder than Puma

    No Mizuno in sight

    So I went back home

    And gave up the fight

    Some size 9US punk

    Who actually lives in LA

    And guesses like a GPS

    Will win this giveaway

    But Lo and Behold

    A FedEx truck came

    It dropped off a package

    With "winner" on the name

    I thought it might be a bomb

    But without Mizuno I did not want to live

    So I opened it up

    And you know what it give

    Because I am as poetic as Shakespeare

    I Know where those boots be

    Bryan hid them in the mailbox

    And they are on their way to me

  81. In Frankie Hejduk's Hair!!!

  82. You obviously hid them on your feet with another pair of shoes on top of them so no one would see them. Plus they are so comfortable you forgot to take them off untill now. 🙂

  83. well of obviously there is a shoes thief in LA he is opening your gear bags, snatching your footwear up, so hide your indoor shoes, hide your cleats coz they stealing errybodies' shoes out here, and of course you hid them with the Mexicans because they know how to hid stuff so they wont go back from where they are originally from

  84. You hid them actually in Carson at The HomeDepot Center in Landon Donovan locker so Landon could practice his free kicks to get it to bend it like Beckham

  85. You hid them in Arnold Schwarzenegger's house as he try to come to protect you and the boots from the terminator

  86. in your closet or staples center

  87. He hid them in the place where no one wants to go… Lady Gaga's house.

  88. They're somewhere so big no one would find them even if they looked for a thousand years… Barbra Streisand's nose.

  89. Brian, you hid them in justin beiber's talent. so they must be pretty small. 😉

  90. There in little Japan duhh!

  91. In Carrot Top's Hair!

  92. You are Irish right?
    Its obviously hidden inside the pot of gold next to the lucky charms 🙂

  93. in the toilet, along with Landon Donovan's career and Davey Beckham's L.A. Galaxy contract

  94. You hid them at 680 S Cloverdale Ave – Los Angeles, CA 90036..the location of a mizuno store. they would totally blend in there

  95. You hid them in your beat up honda so it could ignite the piece of shit and finally you could get rid of it

  96. Ok guys he obviously hid them in Lindsay Lohan's jail cell knowing how bad she is, she'd probably steal these amazing things too.

  97. johnny took them and never gave them back…….out

  98. Jonny wins… bigtime.

  99. You didn’t hide the boots, the boots hid from you! 😀

  100. Mizunos are black and yellow so that means that kalifa knows were there at

  101. hid them in Korea Town, fits in with the yellow. (Btw Im Korean myself)

  102. you hid them with david beckham, hoping they’d ignite his skills 😉 lol

  103. Well you obvoisly hid them right next to Jermain Defoe’s boots lol.

  104. You hid them next to all these awfull comments…… one will want to look at them lol

  105. At a UPS station getting ready to be shipped to my house.

  106. In A beehive. So they'll blend in.

  107. In Winona Ryder's purse.

  108. I bet you hid them on the sun cause these boots are hot! That must be what's causing global warming…

    Beauties like these should not be hidden, but properly displayed for all to observe and worship! My feet are the perfect spot for that…

    Also, I live in California, so shipping costs will be cheaper! 🙂

  109. Weave your way through the zeroes in beckham's oversized paycheck, dodge past nigel de jong's wild tackles, and snatch them from the nearest hobo's mouth. And to pay him back for taking his "sandwich", give him a dollar and what every man wants most… a pat on the head and a cookie. 🙂

  110. he hid them in the boot vault too be uncovered in years to come

  111. You hid them in in the bathroom of the Los Angeles galaxy lockeroom to be discovered by David Beckham: Just to find out he switches to mizuno tommorow

  112. you hid it in Compton!! they never stop shooting around there

  113. u hid it at the dog kennel… no one would look for anything asian at a dog kennel

  114. You "hid" them in your closet for storage only to find out they disappeared into Narnia… So you went and fought Aslan the lion to get them back came out of the closet and decided they are to valuable to be kept in the entrance to Narnia so you've decided to give them away!

  115. They're in the props box at a studio awaiting its cameo on Mizuno's new ad campaign, "Write the review".

  116. Read this Mr. WinaShoe:

    I name this a war,

    I declare this a battle.

    All readers shall gasp,

    The Internet shall rattle.

    My verses destroy,

    My rhymes shall PWN.

    All will be jealous

    'Cause I'm in the zone.

    Those Mizuno's are mine,

    The boots, please reserve.

    Leave them alone,

    To win I deserve.

    The yellow suits me well,

    On their beauty I dine.

    By the way, did I tell you

    I am also size nine!

    In case you wonder:

    "Do you know where they're found?"

    Of course I do,

    I am very profound!

    Your hiding is skillful,

    Such a secret location.

    Concealing items would give you

    An excellent vocation.

    But of course,

    The answer I cannot reveal.

    If the spot be made known

    the Ignite's men might steal!

    So send them to me,

    The cleats I shall get.

    Your decision is something

    You will never regret!

    P.S. Did I ever tell you that you are my favorite soccer player, Bryan!

  117. You hid them on Highway 10 where everyone is always too busy talking on their cell phones, drinking coffee, and putting on makeup to see them. What? Driving? Oh yeah they're doing that…. kinda…..

  118. In the l.a galaxy home depot center locker room!:)

  119. i cant tell where they are but i know there waiting for me where ever they shall be.

  120. Dumb ass.. you didn't hide them… a campton boy stole them from u. 🙂

  121. Lionardo DiCaprio took them before he went in the last dream in inception… So they are stuck in a dream within a dream… That might have been in limbo

  122. You gave them to an Adidas headquarter so they could copy the technology on those shoes for their predators

  123. You hid them in the Sun because all the Cristiano Ronaldo fangirls don't come out until nighttime.

  124. Bryan, you switched them out with David Beckham's Predators. So he can have something new to wear for his debut with Tottenham.

  125. Baby just tell everyone you forgot them in my room. 😉 xoxoxo

  126. You probably gave them to that dude Bryan from soccercleats101 to hide amongst his collection of hundreds.

  127. You hid them………Hmmmm…………..I don't live in l.a. so be patient……..In Kobe's locker?