Exclusive 4th of July WeGotSoccer Deal – Extended!

As an update, this promo will run for one additional day – Wednesday 7/6 through Thursday 7/7!

After some very intense negotiations, we secured another exclusive 25% off deal from the guys at WeGotSoccer! I take that back, the WeGotSoccer team offered the deal as they want to help players save on a new pair of boots over the 4th of July weekend. On offer is an additional 25% off anything currently in their Sale section.

Once you are ready to take advantage of a deal, use our exclusive coupon code, SC101-JULY4SALE, at checkout. The offer runs through this Monday, the 4th, so you have 5 days to take advantage!

Check out the entire line-up of what is currently available. Or, below is a list of some new boots added to the sale page in the past few days.

Plum Nike Superfly IIINike Superfly III in Plum
Sells for $360, it is on sale for $299 + 25% off = $225


Nike T90 Laser EliteNike T90 Laser Elite
Sells for $324, it is on sale for $199 + 25% off = $150


Adidas adiZero PrimeAdidas F50 adiZero Prime
Sells for $300, it is on sale for $199 + 25% off = $150


Adidas Pred X BlackoutAdidas Predator X Blackout
Sells for $219, it is on sale for $150 + 25% off = $113


And, on top of all that, WeGotSoccer offer free shipping on all orders over $75 – in other words, this is another great opportunity and a fantastic deal. If you want to show your appreciation, make sure you “Like” the WeGotSoccer Facebook Page.

Finally, if you are a fan of soccer jerseys, there are also some pretty tasty deals on International deals that include:
Argentina Home Jersey (sale price: $39.99 + 25% off = $30)
Mexico Home Jersey (sale price: $29.99 + 25% off = $22.50)
Spain Home Jersey (sale price: $39.99 + 25% off = $30)
Brazil Home Jersey (sale price: $39.99 + 25% off = $30)
USA Home Jersey (sale price: $49.99 + 25% off = $37.50)

About Bryan Byrne

The mastermind behind the revolution that is SoccerCleats101. Bryan started this website back in 2008 and has been testing boots on a daily basis ever since. Check out our About Page for more details on Bryan and the website.

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