Underarmour Alter Ego – Superhero Collection

ua alter ego

As the resident comic book geek on the SC101 team, I was quite excited to hear that Under Armour is now catering to a new demographic. Cashing in on the recent rise in superhero popularity underarmour have created an alter ego line staring some of the most popular superheros. They have taken two of the more popular hero’s  from each of the DC and Marvel universes and given them uniquely designed compression shirts.  Just as a refresher, compression wear is designed to increase muscle function, increase blood flow and shorten recovery time.

Lets see what they are offering up!

About Jim Gauthier

Jim is a a licensed massage therapist with a vast knowledge of anatomy and injury. When he is not healing people with his magical abilities, Jim's goal is to provide everyday players with in-depth knowledge from an amateur players perspective. Find him on his Facebook Page for any personal questions or injury help!

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