Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: Injury Prevention

Green Tea, Soccer and Hydration

Green Tea and Soccer

I discovered the benefits of drinking green tea during a game purely by accident. I had lost my large water jug so I purchased a large bottle of Arizona Green tea to use as my new water jug. I forgot to drink it before the game so I went into …

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Top 5 Boots For Injury Prevention and Protection

Injured Foot

One question I’m frequently asked is “What cleats should I wear?”, followed up with a story of related too sprained ankles, sprained knee ligaments, torn muscles or broken bones. Right now the main focus on the market today isn’t so much injury prevention or protection as it it creating a high …

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Benefits of Massage – An Introduction

Getting a Soccer Massage

If you asked me about massage therapy even a few years ago, I wouldn’t have a thing to tell you. But ever since I was introduced, I swear by it. I can tell you that the media stereo-type does no justice to the practice as it can be extremely therapeutic …

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